Dialogue Editor (Skyripple)
Skyripple is a 2D platformer, with heavy puzzle and RPG elements. But what's an RPG without a dialogue system?
Dialogue Editor was developed to allow our designers to jump in Unity and get their hands dirty with development.
This video is from an unfinished version, but should be good enough to showcase its strengths and features.
The editor was developed for usage within the Unity Editor, and directly affect the gameplay content.
It features creating dialogue lines, selecting the speaker and their expression, creating dialogue options that allow
dialogue branching, connecting or disconnecting nodes in real time, moving the nodes (single or in sets), adding
conditions to the dialogue nodes that should or should not be displayed, based on various conditions (quest, stats),
and specifying specific keys that should be triggered to invoke in-game events!
In addition, it features a dialogue-preview feature that allows designers to get a clearer picture on what they've done,
and testers to get an easier look on which options would be available for each dialogue entry, based on met conditions.
Overall, this tool was well received, and, despite its age, it is still one of my creations I'm most proud about!
Quest Editor (Skyripple)
Skyripple had lots of unique quests, each of them needing its own design and implementation.
After discussing with the team, we decided that designing them in-game would allow for an
easier implementation, allowing the quest system to take over after seeing the specifics.
This is where Quest Editor came in handy! An all-in-one tool to allow designing the quests,
the dialogues that get triggered, the 'quest steps' and the complete conditions for each step,
together with any cinematics or gameplay events that get triggered amongs the path.
Level design had to be done separately from this, together with any super-specific events,
but this served well enough as a base. As you can see, the looks aren't "the best", but
given the size of the team and the fact that I had other responsibilities as well in the team,
it proved to be a useful tool whose results I'm quite happy with, still! -
Project Browser
Project Browser is a tool allowing a team of developers and designers to browse through the project quickly and with ease.
It was developed for personal use, but eventually got polished with perspective of releasing it to Unity's Asset Store.
The tool's main feature is an editor window that allows easy navigation of the 'favourite' folders for each person.
Folders can be favourited from either the right click context menu, or from the tool's custom UI.
It is especially useful because it allows each member of the team to create their own 'account' and keep their own 'tabs'.
For example, the 'designer' account would have different favourite folders than the 'programmer' account.
With that in mind and addressing the fact that it shouldn't take much space, I still use it even now on my projects,
to increase work efficiency by reducing the amount spent looking for the proper folder that contains the scripts I'm looking for,
or the Scriptable Objects I'm currently working on, giving me more time to be productive and work with code and design.
It is very lightweight, and it's a tool that I would recommend everyone to use if they're working on sizeable projects. -
Parallax background (BoGazEagle)
While working on BoGazEagle, our designer had plenty of.. 'changes of heart' regarding the game's
parallax effects and backgrounds, and requested a variety of small tweaks and improvements for them.
I was the only heads-in developer involved in that team, and they grew to be a bit too many.
That led me to shortly decide that, despite the small amount of time left (it was a 1-day game jam),
It could be worth it to set it up and allow the designer to go wild with the modificiations,
and fine-tune it to her heart's content! Judging from the results, it was worth the effort, imo.
On top of utilizing my knowledge of shaders, rendering, and Unity's components to create it,
this earned everyone involved in the team access to an open-source scaleable and working tool for
creating, tweaking, and utilizing a parallax background with an abstract amount of layers.
Despite not being as flashy or in-depth as my other tools, I'm happy to showcase it here in my page!